Roll For You

Roll For You: Arcane Train! Episode 3 - Slippery Bird...

September 07, 2023 Spruce Juice Studio Season 1 Episode 3

Our trapped crew gather to talk about forming their own secret society in the face of enclosing enemies... Can they come together to help each other survive and solve the mystery of this train?

As always, thank you for your support on this project. Our cast is as follows...

Game Master: Ross Bloedorn (He/Him)

Mallan Monko: Sam Maxwell (He/They)

Fern Hollinger: Katie Lynn Sinicki (She/Her)

Gor-El: Nic Mains (He/They)

All music in this episode is recorded and produced by the incredible and multi-talented Sam Maxwell

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(Transcribed by - Go Unlimited to remove this watermark) Previously on ArcaneTrain You are here, on top of the roiber. You reach out to touch the moon and struck with an unbearably hot burning sensation in your hand. You see the bear glowing and pulsing this golden light as it's scratching into the floor of the train trying to get through the ceiling. It doesn't matter, I got a natural one. You see this blinding white fissure at the center of it, a enormous black scaled dragon. The running of the train was taken over by Prince Stratus Chimera. Fern, you're on your way back from Sector 5's gate. One in particular is you see someone with a large black hood up. One of those horses you backed is gonna win, and the other two that didn't. What you do with them, what you do with any lame horse. As you begin this journey back to your room, you begin to see papers scattered out through the hallway of your room. Only one thing is missing, your copy of a hole in history. Cinder's Alley, a place to load off or buy anything. The ripcords have been asking about you. Something that was clearly wedged underneath the door, and it is just a blank piece of paper with a note that just reads, Mr. Munko, you and I want different things, but I believe we can accomplish them the same way. Meet me at the boxcar bar tonight. And it's signed, F. Mallet, after receiving your mysterious note last session, you have called an emergency meeting. I want to say, can I say that I also wrote little letters to both Gorel and Fern, and I had Pala deliver them? Yeah, absolutely. So that was gonna be my first question. I have two questions for you right off the bat. Who all have you invited to this? Obviously Fern and Gorel, if there's anyone else you've invited. I would say that at this point, I want to cover all of my bases. I would also say that I sent one to Olivia and Cornelia, because they're in section five as well, right? They're not locked in. Yeah, they're in sector five. Okay, cool. So I would say that I sent one to them to see if they will come. Obviously I'm expecting, I don't know Linden, but I'm expecting if Gorel is there, Linden might be there, but I don't think I invited them. Do you include Gorel, you can bring Linden then? Everyone's got a plus one on the bottom of their note. No one has a plus one. Secret emergency meeting, just you, but you get a plus one. And I'd say I left one, because I want him to know, because I live with him, I would say I spoke to Perkins about what happened. Sure. My other question to you, where are you meeting? I would say the back, oh no, she lives there. I was going to say the flower shop, but she lives there. She absolutely lives there, it's her home. Can I, she would not, she already told me do not give her more information. May I roll, all right, two ways we can do this. I could either roll a history check for a location, or I can make one up on the spot. Sure, we can, how about both? Go ahead and give me a history check, and I'll tell you. If I know the level of the place, oh great, so that's a 23. Yeah, you would know that there are, if you just Jimmy the lock on very specific locations, there are kind of like, almost like custodian, almost like break rooms, that you know for a fact that after the year long break have not actually been in effect, because things have gone a little more lax since the disaster. So absolutely, you'd be able to time it, so you have this kind of like pseudo table that you guys can all fit around and discuss. Okay, sweet, so I've like broken into an employee back room. Basically, yeah. And I've set up like. Yeah, there's nothing like special here or anything, it's just like a room, you know. Yeah, I think that Malin is trying to make coffee, but isn't really good at it, because I'm assuming there's that kind of stuff. There's like a little staff kitchen, sure. It's like a year old, because no one's been in there, like it's just really old coffee beans. Yeah. Malin sends out those invitations, and Jimmy's the lock into this back room, tells them where to meet, I assume that he had probably been there a few times before, to like hide and make his own plans when he was like sneaking into vents and Yeah, absolutely. Malin, I discussed this with you off mic, but Malin in his head. Is forming a secret organization. Yeah, believes that day in the locomotive lounge a year ago, they had through some way or another created one, and has kind of been like, one of these days I'll assemble, I'll assemble. Assemble a team. I'll assemble the A team. Absolutely. So I guess my last question to you guys, before you guys begin doing whatever, is how many times have you guys met, if at all, ever before this? Oh, the group? Yeah. All together. I would say that the group, I don't think has had to, I don't think that he's actually been able to put the entire group together. I think that Malin has seen Gorel and Fern a few times over the year. We'll say that Gorel and Malin have seen each other a few times because they both kind of like watch Pala, like their bird, bird sitting, but for the one bird. And then. And Pala's a mechanical bird, right? Yeah, no, Pala's fully a mechanical bird, but. I think Gorel thinks that Pala is like, still needs things that normal birds need. Like, tried to like feed Pala. It's super cute. Every once in a while, Gorel's like trying to give Pala bird seed to kind of like coughs up oil onto it. Linden desperately wants to like tell you, you don't need to do that. But deep down, he doesn't know if you don't. So he hasn't stopped you. And every single time Malin is also interested if Pala will actually eat real food as a development. As a sentient being. I think that Malin has also seen Fern. I think Malin and Fern would hang out early on and talk about the blue people logic. But after Fern started calling him a member of the blue man group, he hasn't talked to her. Hasn't talked to her in like a hot second because he got heated over it. Oh my gosh. I love that. Okay. You guys all convene on this location. All of you with your own respective knowledge and experiences from last session. But the main reason for the meeting being the letter to Malin. Well, I learned nothing. So. Oh, and real quick, I'm going to roll for Olivia and Cornelia because you sent an invite to them. So Olivia. Okay. And this is Cornelia. So both of them send a letter back, actually, sending their condolences for not being able to join, but wish to meet up sometime soon in the near future. Malin's just happy that he got letters back from them. He was not expecting them to respond at all. Yeah. Cornelia is like very smudged. They both sent different letters. Olivia's is very like, we must meet up again sometime soon. I'm very busy over here trying to, and you would know this, Olivia's dedicated the last year to basically helping the working class become more well adjusted and helping them get supplies that they need to live easier lives. So she's actually quite busy. Cornelia is drinking a lot. Yes. Is she drinking the brandy? You know what? You'll have to ask her. I assume there's some like brandy stains on her letter. Like there's just a couple of little brown marks on there. There's some drips. Yeah. There's a couple drips on there. Absolutely. It's just like the pen kind of gets away from her at one point and just slides down the paper. She loses the track of what she was writing about. Then she sealed it and sent it your way. Great. Anyway, so it is just you three and Lyndon then. Yes. Unless if Perkins decided to come with when I mentioned it to him, but I assumed that he's at work. Yeah. I think someone's got to watch the kids. He's not at work, but if you're not available, he has to watch the kids. Gotcha. Gotcha. Gotcha. So all of us and Lyndon and we're all gathered. Yeah. You're all gathered and sitting around the table in this very neat little dusty hole in the wall. Actually, Gorrell refuses to attend. There we go. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I was going to say, so it's me and Ferdinand. Next scene. Just determined to keep the party split as long as possible. As Gorrell enters, Lyndon enters first and he says, presenting Gorrell of the Deepwoods, Prince Chief, Chief Chief son of the Bowern race of the tribe. Gorrell. He just very unceremoniously waves his hand for you to enter. Gorrell just takes his head and walks in. I think Melon's like, have we? Looks to Lyndon and is like, I know I invited Gorrell. You said you could bring a friend along. I don't know if we've officially met. Your name, sir? To Lyndon. I'm Lyndon. I work at the Roibergard, kind of. They gave me my assignment to be Gorrell's bodyguard. The Roibergard are fascists. I don't think too hard about it, if I'm being honest. You might be right. That's what a fascist would say. Wait, are you still employed by the Roibergard? I am getting paid, yeah, but I don't think they know that they're still paying me. Do you know it's one of those things? Fascism. I, hmm. Wow. Fern, we all just entered the room. Should I leave? This is getting really heated a lot faster than I wanted it to. I feel good. I don't know. Oh, I feel great. Lyndon, if it would please you, perhaps you could keep watch at the door? I mean, you know what's all good, man? You're the boss. I mean, technically. I mean, I don't know if I can actually be fired. I don't know if you have the ability to fire me because I don't know if they know they're still paying me to guard you. Fascism. You keep using that word. I think that's more properly capitalism. Like, if anything, look, his job seems like capitalism. The Estonian government is a capitalist nation. Gorel is like doing long division in his head trying to understand what everyone's talking about right now. Lyndon turns to you like, I'm gonna do what you said, boss, and just sit out front. But you just, I don't know. Do you want to make a secret call in case you want me to come in? No, I'll just shout your name very loudly. You seem to respond well to that. I guess so. Just don't scream. Don't scream fascist. People are gonna really start looking at me weird. That's actually your codename now. We're in this together and that's your codename. I think it works the best. Fascist is my codename? When I look at you, it's the one and the only fascist. Oh no. I gotta go. Lyndon is like, I'll be right outside the door, I guess. Thanks, gang. He's just very upset. And you three are left alone here. I have that effect on people. Gorel. Hello. First off, it's good to see you again. And I think I've brought the bird with me. And he's hanging out. I think Gorel reaches to pat the bird on the head. Palifully allows it. Trust you. Can we trust your guy there? He kind of works for the cobs. Fascism. Well, he's done no wrong to me thus far. And in the year that we've been trapped on this unholy contraption, he has really stuck to his word. He seems like a good fellow. I don't know what the rest of the guard are up to, but he's doing the job he was assigned. And besides, I could crush him like a toothpick should he ever decide to raise an arm against us. So I'm not concerned. All right. Fantastic. That's all I need to know. Well, come, come, sit, sit, sit, sit. I bet you're wondering why I've gathered you all together here today. My dear, my dear secret society. This is the first official meeting of the Train Busters. Here's what you're here for. Any slams? We're busting the train? It's a work in progress. If anyone else has any other opinions about a name, we can do that as well. And he slams the letter down onto the table and lets everybody look at it. What is this? Recently, I have been sought after by, it seems, at my place of employment by a group called the Ripcords. Is anybody here familiar? Of course. Gurel? Gurel slowly nods. So obviously they're a little bit of a shady group. No one really knows if they're like good guys or bad guys. They're terrorists. Well, it's an organization of terrorism. I think we could say that that's probably objectively, you know, not good. Well, yes. I mean, in the sense that we are on a train car right now that current hierarchy of power is run by the mob, like not even under the cloak of darkness, like by the mob. I don't know what the term and I'm just going to throw this out here. I don't know what the term terrorist means in that, but I was sought after by those guys. I don't want to talk to them because they seem a little weird, but I have the feeling that F, whoever they happen to be, are probably a member of this group. But at the same time, from what I've heard whispering through the halls, their motives are very noble. See, that's what I was that's what I was saying. They seem to be really noble, but I don't really know. You know, they're secretive. You don't really know what they're actually after. I'm sorry. Are we actually discussing a terrorist group's actions as noble? Is this actually what I'm hearing? This conversation you guys are having is a very actual, like real conversation people on the train have often. Like the intentions of this group are noble in nature, in the sense that they want us all to be free from the train and be able to get off of it. And they feel that they have searched the train effectively enough to make sure that there is no explosives on it. So they're betting that if they stop the train, they will all live. And there's the other camp of the matter, which is more what Fern is leaning towards, which is, we don't know for a fact how thorough they have checked, how investigative they've actually worked towards this. We don't know what the situation is. They could kill us all if they succeed. Exactly. So yes, they could just be, they could on one hand have information that we need. They could, on the other hand, be a bunch of reckless idiots. Nothing on this note indicates that that's them. I assume it probably is, but either way- And where did you receive this note? At my home, which if you all remember is also Perkins' home. So either way, they know where I live, which also means they know where Perkins and all of Perkins' kids live, which doesn't make me feel great about ghosting them. Then our only course of action would be to meet them as requested. I think so as well, but you know, how we meet them depends. I think we should, if you all are cool with meeting them and figuring out, you know, whatever this is, I think we should be ready to maybe get into a fight. If this is this group of terrorists, then it would only make sense for us to meet them because we cannot condone their actions, Fern. You are correct. They are without a doubt dangerous for us all. However, to miss an opportunity to gain intelligence on a possible enemy, that would be folly. I suppose I am a bit hesitant because, and then I would like to fill in the group about the break-in in my room, the picked lock, the scattered yet strategical placing of items, and the missing book. Absolutely, you fill everyone in on that, in that situation. That all being the door being picked, not knocked down, the book being missing, the room contents being scattered, not broken, and all of those nitty gritty details. This is worrisome. I have a terrible feeling. As do I. And I also must ask you, have either of you been drinking the brandy? I mean, I go to the bar. And drink the brandy? I mean, I get it for takeout. Do you know what's in the brandy? It's a compliance drug. A compliance drug is in the brandy. So if you are drinking the brandy, then you are compliant by this drug. You've been drugged. And I can't trust anything that you're saying. Hey, hey, Fern. Hey, Mallory. Hey. Hey. Hey. I will stop drinking the brandy. I don't want this to turn into another people on the moon argument. So I'm just going to set it aside real quick. Absolutely the only alcohol you can afford. It's the only, I don't think you guys understand. My life is a hell right now. And sometimes I need to drink. And I don't think you understand that you're from the moon. Perhaps it would be best to leave the moon conversation for another time. Oh no. Just a vivid memory of Goral being burned enters your mind intrusively. Goral having a thousand yard stare at the corner. The moon perhaps should be left out for a moment. Well, when both of you are ready to confront the truth, it will be there waiting for you. All right. I think there are many truths we must confront. And I think the first one involves protecting the brambles. Exactly. Exactly my point. No matter what, we have to be able to talk to these people because they know where the brambles live. Malin, go ahead and give me a history check real quick. Oh, baby. That's 23. Yeah. You would know, actually, and like on a 23, you know, actually tonight Penelope Bramble, actually it's in her circuit to work the boxcar bar as a server. So tonight she actually will be there, whether that's a coincidence or not, who knows. But for sure, the brambles are on their whoever sent this notes radar. I relay that information to the group as well. So it seems like I don't want to say it, but these people might be under the impression that they're taking the brambles hostage. Sort of, socially, at least. And I wonder if these are the same group of people that have ransacked my room and stolen my grandfather's book. And perhaps the ones who are drugging the brandy. Gorel. I think that's the government, Gorel, as in the Asmeseans, as in the people who are trying to control us all, as in the people who sent the meldons to the moon. It's amazing that Fern is thrown a bone by someone and immediately is like, you're wrong. And he is right. Gorel, you should have started it back up. I need to warn you. First off, I should say it is good to see you guys again. But also, if we are all in agreement, I think we should go and meet Mr. F. Are you still upset with me because I told you you were part of the Blue Man group? Yes, a little bit. I didn't get a greeting this beginning of the meeting. You said, hi, Gorel, it's excellent to see you. And then you launched on it and I didn't get anything. You were kind of already like over there. You were over there kind of inspecting the coffee, if it was the brandy. Who knows what else they could be putting it in. Okay. Well, Fern, it is good to see you too. I am still a little pent up about the Blue Man group thing, but we can talk about that later. Water under the bridge. Let's... They might be putting it in the water. No, Gorel. Fuck. Gorel has a moment of internal reflection. Okay. You know what? For the first meeting of our new secret society, it was very good. We should head to the boxcar bar tonight. We can get a table. We can get set up. Gorel can pay for everything. Excellent. And I'll bring my press pass. How did I get roped into this? Gorel looks at Malin with a sense of pride. You used a metaphor, an idiom. And then Gorel looks at Fern and lifts his hand and forms it into a fist. And then his thumb sticks straight up. Excellent. You feel a sense of pride emanating from beyond the door that you can't see, Gorel. I am learning. You guys, you're all heading to the bar? Is that what's happening? I suppose so. Okay. Oh, hello. It's me, your guiding game master, Ross. I'm jumping in here quick to say thank you. As I have already said before and will undoubtedly say again, your time is valuable. That you spend your time at all listening to this show is such an amazingly kind thing to do, and I can only hope that in return you find it fun and entertaining and at times a little bit spooky. If you feel so inclined to get some extra content from us, check out our Patreon at slash Roll4UPod. You can listen to our after show, The Locomo Lounge, plus other fun content. All of the money we make there goes to being able to recoup the money that has already gone into this show and being able to pay my amazing actors for their incredible hard work. Speaking of my actors, since we usually don't introduce ourselves at the beginning of episodes outside of our first episode, Gorel is played by the illustrious Nick Maynes, Mellon Munko is played by the incredible Sam Maxwell, and Fern Hollinger is played by the incomparable Katie Lynn Sinecki. All of their handles are included in the episode description. I love all of these humans so, so, so very much, so any support and love you can send their way, please, please do. Okay, that's my little spiel. Let's all get back to the show. You know the boxcar bar as opposed to the Locomo Lounge is further towards the back, I don't suspect any of you have actually been there. So you walk into this bar and for a train that is so new, like only literally a year old, this place gives off a worn out atmosphere. The floor is wooden and creaks beneath your steps, especially you Gorel. An old and somehow dusty slot machine chilling in the corner near a classic pool table where a group of rough looking individuals are drinking and playing a game. Behind the bar is an Aldaran man. It's pretty slow so he seems to be chatting up whoever is taking a seat at the bar. Do I recognize him? Uh, the man behind the bar? Yeah. You do not. Okay. But you do recognize one of the patrons sitting at the bar as Skibin, the old Aldaran man that you met when you went for tea that one time. That nice guy. There's a door behind the bar leading into what you would assume is probably a kitchen. Out from beyond that door busts a little blue Melvin woman with her blonde hair tied up in a ponytail. Malin, you would know this is Penelope Perkins White. I kind of, is she in the middle of like a rush? Is she like running around? She's pleasantly busy but she's not like slammed or anything. There's a good crowd but not a huge crowd. I think, uh, in my brain, I'm sure they don't because we're in like a fantasy world without a whole lot of tech but I feel like if she's at the POS station, I kind of go over to her and I'm like, oh hey, uh, hey Penelope. Oh hey honey, how's it going? She like pinches your cheek a little bit. Like, oh it's so good to see you. You come see me at work? Yeah, yes, I came to see you at work. Oh my gosh! You know we are, we are, we are not too far apart, babe. Okay, uh, did, did, um, did Perkins fill you in on, um, what I talked to him about? Uh, you would know, uh, she hasn't come home yet. Oh, she's still at work. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh shit. Um, so we're meeting somebody here, uh, that might... What's going on? We're all like, can I like look around as this conversation's happening? Yeah, go ahead and give me a perception check. Anyone who wants to do that can. It's gonna be a 15. Okay, 12. 19. Sure, I'm a 15 and a 19, below a 20. Uh, there's nothing that catches your eye as anything suspicious here. You know what I'm saying? Uh, there's not like anything that would like attract your attention. Uh, you do see the gentlemen around the pool table, while not paying you any mind, are, uh, causing a bit of a, a ruckus, uh, clearly have been drinking, uh, good. Uh, it's quite the assorted bunch. Uh, one, uh, large Bowerman, uh, two Aldarans, uh, two Esmerons. It's a pretty diverse crowd, all things considered. It's a true dive bar kind of situation. You know what I mean? They're kind of dominating that part of the floor. And, uh, there's like a little, uh, Meldian, older gentleman, uh, sitting at the bar, nursing a beer. He's got like thick bottle glasses, very wrinkled. And his eyebrows are cartoonishly drooping over his eyes that give him the effect of not, like his eyes not even being there. He, uh, smells like vaguely of hard candy. And yeah, then there's, uh, Skiven, as we, uh, uh, mentioned at the bar. Uh, the last thing I give you on that perception check is there's like, kind of like a bit of a ruckus happening in the kitchen. But, uh, there's like a lot of clanging more so than you'd expect from anything. But you can't see what's going on back there because the door is closed. Gotcha. While they're, uh, looking around, Malon just kind of, uh, says to Penelope, he's like, um, we're meeting somebody new here that we don't know. Um, and, you know. It's always good to make new friends. I'm so proud of you. It is good to make new friends. I just want- I'm so proud. I just, I don't want to worry you because, you know, I never want to worry you. Why would I be worried? You're so capable. You're making all those machines and stuff. I think Fern is gonna saunter on over and say, all right, listen, we're cutting to the chase. These are not friendly tights. Oh my gosh, you're adorable.

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